The Singular Strategy
‘W.T.F.’, I believe, are the three magical letters of the alphabet that would most appropriately describe this palette of emotions we are experiencing at the present moment. This calamity of biblical proportions is unprecedented for us. As normal as the subject is for Hollywood, there is no framework, no playbook and no ‘7 things you can do to float through the pandemic’ to manage yourself and your business through COVID-19. And, much like anything else, hope is in short & intermittent supply.
Every day brings stories of warriors armed with compassion, love & unadulterated human spirit that inspire us infinitely. Health workers, social workers, grocery store employees, delivery riders, engineers, problem solvers, entrepreneurs and even (dare i say it?) policy-makers are leveling up every day and sending out wave after wave of blood, sweat & tears in service of humanity.
Hope is the only strategy. It shines brightest when despair is at its darkest. That is the spiritual no-man’s-land where you are running purely on heart & soul. Rationally, you should have ended your struggle a long time ago. But you persevere. For your loved ones, for your neighbors, for your countrymen and for humanity. Take care of yourself and take care of those near & dear.
There’s no point in rolling over. Dylan Thomas said it best:
“Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”
It’s only over if you quit.